CWSPI 2024 July 10th, 2024 14:00-19:00 hrs “Dear Colleagues and Friends, Following the successful one-day workshop we had in the last 15 years, we would like to cordially invite you to participate in the upcoming 16th Cyprus Workshop on Signal Processing and Informatics (CWSPI 2024). The overall objective of CWSPI 2024 is to disseminate new research results in several areas and help establish industry, university, and multi- university collaborations. The workshop is mainly targeted to our graduate and intern students to present their most recent findings. We are looking forward in seeing you all at the conference.” Venue: Cyprus University of Technology Dracos Building, Socratous str. 3036, Limassol, Cyprus (Hybrid Mode Attendance/Participation is available) Organizing Committee: Efthyvoulos Kyriacou, CUT, ECoEChristos Loizou, CUTAndreas Panayides, CYENSConstantinos S. Pattichis, UCYAndreas Spanias, ASUMarios S. Pattichis, UNM Organized and Sponsored by Technically Co-Sponsored by: IEEE Cyprus Section IEEE CIS Cyprus Chapter IEEE EMBS Cyprus Chapter IET Cyprus Local Network Check out all the details on: Welcome to CWSPI
Summer School 2024-Cyprus Lyceums visiting ehealthlab@CUT
On the 28th of June 2024, students from different Lyceums across Cyprus visited the premises/laboratories and Research Teams, at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics of the Cyprus University of Technology, the context of a Summer School. The ehealthlab@CUT welcomed the students, and presented all areas of research conducted in our laboratory. In addition, researchers and PhD students of the laboratory offered a tutorial, where the students used a mini-program in MATLAB (Computational Scientific Computer Tool) and appropriate experimental equipment, to record their Electrocardiogram. Below we show different highlights from the whole session. At the end of their session at ehealthlab@CUT all students reported that they had an interesting and exciting time.
eHealthlab@CUT BSc Thesis Presentations 2024
Student: Andreas Petrou Thesis Title: Use of drones for Emergency Healthcare Support Services. Student: Despoina Andreou Thesis Title: A computer application for carotid plaque stress and strain assessment in ultrasound videos Student: Onoufrios Neophytou Thesis Title: Development of an integrated computational system for 3D reconstruction of Multiple Sclerosis lesions in MRI images. Student: Alexandros Christofi Thesis Title: Development of a computer system for automatic identification of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in MRI images. Student: Theodoros Kyprianou Thesis Title: Resins of electric shock when using medical devices. Well done to all students!
ISBI 2024 – Two Posters and the AtheroRisk Software Demo Session
ISBI2024, which took place at a perfect timing, very close to the completion of our Project AtheroRisk (PI: Efthyvoulos Kyriacou), was a perfect opportunity for us to present the 1st Version of the AtheroRisk_Software to various experts, in the field of Biomedical Image Analysis. AtheroRisk contributors and researchers, from eHealthLab (Leaders: Efthyvoulos Kyriacou and Christos P Loizou) at Cyprus University of Technology, and from University of Cyprus and CYENS Centre of Excellence were present, showcasing the Carotid Ultrasound Image and Video Preprocessing and Analysis modules, available in the Software, which we combine to extract two stroke risk scores. Software data preprocessing and analysis pathways were supervised and validated by Experts in Carotid Atherosclerosis Assessment (Andrew Nicolaides MS, FRCS, PhD (Hon); Maura G.). A valuable online questionnaire was filled in by a great number of attendees, to help us understand their impressions of the AtheroRisk Software. The AtheroRisk Software was also presented as a Poster, by our Research Associate, Michalis Gemenaris, at the ISBI2024. In the context of the project, Georgia Liapi presented a recent study of ours, on Carotid Plaque Motion Analysis in specific phases of the cardiac cycle to detect plaques in high risk of rupture. This Poster was selected among the first “18th Best Student Poster Award Finalists”, among >717 Posters, at ISBI2024. We would like to express our gratitude to all contributors in the project! Find or Share this Post on Linkedin:
Highlights – Workshop on Clinical Apps and Techniques of Atherosclerotic Plaque Image Analysis
On the 16th of May 2024, multiple distinguished carotid atherosclerosis Experts (clinicians, carotid disease experts, researchers, engineers, computer scientists) came together, on site and online; for the purposes of the hybrid Workshop on Clinical Applications & Techniques of Atherosclerotic Plaque Image Analysis, co-organized by the AtheroRisk Project team (ehealthlab@CUT) and the Cyprus Atherosclerotic Society, to present the AtheroRisk Project outcomes. That was a rare and wonderful opportunity for all the participants to acquire distilled knowledge concerning the carotid disease, and the currently advised diagnosis pathways, by Professors A. Nicolaides (Prof. of Vascular Surgery at the Imperial College School of Medicine and Consultant Vascular Surgeon at St Mary’s Hospital from 1983–2000 and Honorary Prof. of Surgery at St George’s University of London/University of Nicosia Medical School, Nicosia, Cyprus) and Stavros Kakkos (MD, MSc, PhD, RVT and Prof. and Chairman at the Department of Vascular Surgery at the University of Patras Medical School, Patras, Greece; connected Online) who sparkled everyone’s interest, starting with two inspiring and detailed talks, explaining what we expect to see, when analyzing carotid ultrasound images and videos, in asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals. All previous research and findings pertaining to the preprocessing/standardization and analysis of ultrasound images, conducted by our collaborators and us, in the past, was showcased. In a talk that followed, Georgia Liapi described the research features developed through the AtheroRisk Project and what the future end-users should expect to find in the AtheroRisk Software. Among them, is the analysis of carotid ultrasound videos to detect the different cardiac cycle phases, and the automatic segmentation of the carotid plaques in ultrasound videos, followed by motion analysis of the plaques, to identify areas in high risk of stroke. Then, Michalis Gemenaris, gave us a complete tour inside the AtheroRisk Software, taking us step-by-step to all image and video analysis modules included in the 1st Version of the Software. Dr. Kyriacos Constantinou and Dr. Nicoletta Prentza, our collaborators from the CYENS (Cyprus Center of Excellence), presented their central findings pertaining to the extraction and analysis of AM-FM image features for stroke risk assessment in carotid ultrasound images, and Gorgia’s based Argumentation Rules, specifically extracted to categorize carotid atherosclerosis image features for stroke risk stratification. Interesting questions were raised by the participants, which were addressed by Prof. A. Nicolaides. Below, we provide a photo gallery, from different talks and moments, during the event. AtheroRisk Collaborators Collaborators in the AtheroRisk Project, from Cyprus and the United Kingdom. Cyprus University of Technology, University of Cyprus, Frederick University, Vascular Screening and Diagostic Cente (Cyprus), American Medical Center (Cyprus), Cyprus Atherosclerotic Society. AtheroRisk Principal Investigator Assis. Prof. Efthyvoulos Kyriacou Introduction to the Workshop. Prof. Andrew Nicolaides Presenting. Prof. Andrew Nicolaides Answering Questions. Prof. Stavros Kakkos (Online) Presenting. Georgia D. Liapi PhD Candidate, MSc Cyprus University of Technology Presentation on Carotid Plaque Motion Analysis in ultrasound videos, for Stroke Risk Stratification. Michalis Gemenaris Research Associate Presenting the AtheroRisk Software Michalis Gemenaris Research Associate Presenting the AtheroRisk Software Dr. Kyriacos Constantinou, CYENS (Online) AM-FM Carotid Plaque Image Features for stroke risk stratification. Dr. Nicoletta Prentza, CYENS (Online) Presentation. Prof. A. Nicolaides and Prof. C. Pattichis Discussion on the use of Argumentation Theories for stroke risk stratification (research led by Dr. Nicoletta Prentza, CYENS). Online Participants ehealthlab@CUT Members Working with carotid ultrasound image and video features, for stroke risk assessment. Michalis Gemenaris, Georgia D. Liapi, and Despoina Andreou. Find or Share this Post on Linkedin:
eCAN – Work Package 7 Telemonitoring
Researchers from the ehealthlab@CUT led the Work Package 7 of the eCAN European Project, where the objectives were to analyze the landscape of cancer telemonitoring systems and patient needs in EU countries, to develop and implement alternatives to improve existing systems and methodologies, aiming to monitor side effects, related to cancer treatments, cancer pain and patient’s quality of life, and to signify the usefulness of telemonitoring for cancer patients and healthcare providers. In a recent interview, Assis. Prof. Efthyvoulos Kyriacou, the coordinator of WP7 of the eCAN project, reflects on patients’ experiences, using a Mobile Application for Telemedicine, developed by an ehealthlab@CUT Researcher for the eCAN WP7 purposes, and highlights policymakers’ perspective for supporting the implementation of telemedicine. Watch the interview below: Watch the interview on Linkedin:
May 16th 2024 – Workshop on Clinical Applications & Techniques of Atherosclerotic Plaque Image Analysis
Before the AtheroRisk Project reaches its completion, the ehealthlab@CUT in collabration with the Cyprus Atherosclerotic Society, organized a Workshop to present the first version of the ‘AtheroRisk Software’, which performs atherosclerotic plaque analysis in carotid ultrasound images and videos, in order to stratify the risk of stroke. This computer Software has been developed under standardized protocols and procedures, derived from many years of research, conducted by distinguished experts. The Workshop will be held on the 16th of May 2024, in the city of Limassol (Cyprus). Check out the Workshop’s Agenda below. We are particularly happy to host highly influential talks, which will be given by two close collaborators of ours, Prof. Andrew Nicolaides (Prof. of Vascular Surgery at the Imperial College School of Medicine and Consultant Vascular Surgeon at St Mary’s Hospital from 1983–2000 and Honorary Prof. of Surgery at St George’s University of London/University of Nicosia Medical School, Nicosia, Cyprus) and Prof. Stavros Kakkos (MD, MSc, PhD, RVT and Prof. and Chairman at the Department of Vascular Surgery at the University of Patras Medical School, Patras, Greece). You are welcome to attend the event, also in hybrid mode, by using the following meeting Link on Zoom: Find or Share this Post on Linkedin:
February 27th 2024 – TRANSiTION Awareness Event
Among the tasks in the TRANSiTION Project is the development of an advanced education programme, which will help healthcare professionals and non-clinical staff strengthen their Digital Skills. On the 27th of February 2024, an Awareness Event (hybrid) took place in Cyprus University of Technology, featuring two highly important EU-funded projects, INCISIVE and TRANSiTION. Multiple project leaders and researchers came together to present the aims and curent findings of the two projects, an unique opportunity for stakeholders to have detailed update on the modules’ tasks and work progress. With this event, awareness was raised among interested stakeholders in the country of Cyprus and other EU Member States. Prof. Andreas Charalambous, Assist. Prof. Efthyvoulos Kyriacou, Assist. Prof. Ioli Nicolaidou and Dr. Lygia Tsitsi (Lecturer), experts at CUT, are among the TRANSiTION contributors who are actively shaping the landscape of processes to assist healthcare professionals and non-clinical staff to harden their Digitals Skills.
The ehealthlab@CUT team contributes to COMFORTage
COMFORTAGE is a joint effort of medical experts, social scientists and humanists, technical experts and Digital Innovation Hubs to establish a pan European framework for Community-based, Integrated and People-Centric prevention, monitoring and progression managing solutions for age-related diseases and disabilities. The project’s Kick-off meeting took place in Athens, on the 16th of January 2024. Find more about the COMFORTage project here.
The ehealthlab@CUT team will present at ISBI2024
We are excited to anounce that two recent studies of our lab have been accepted, for Poster Sessions, to the ISBI 2024, which will take place in Athens, Greece. In addition, we will also hold a Demo Software Session, where we will present the first version of our medical ultrasound image and video analysis computer software package, created during the AtheroRisk Project. Our research group has submitted an Abstract to ISBI2024, presenting the ‘AtheroRisk Software’, and a recent 4-page paper, evaluating an integrated computer software motion analysis of the carotid plaques in ultrasound videos, to identify individuals with carotid plaque in high risk of rupture, as a strategy to identify patients in high risk of ischemic stroke. Particular focus has been drawn to the cardiac cycle phases (cardiac systoles), where the most profound haemodynamic forces are expected to apply on the atherosclerotic plaques. We will be happy to meet you there! More information about ISBI2024 and its Technical Program can be found here.