PATHED project is composed of 19 partners in 11 Member States of which 6 will deploy and use in production the elements of the mobile app toolkit developed for patient access to their health data.
The partners have expertise in cross-border exchange of Patient Summary and ePrescription and several skills acquired by development and production of MyHealth@EU elements and in different previous eHealth projects or partnership networks.
The PATHED project will develop, test and use in production a first version of a patient access mobile app toolkit together with the improved data sharing capabilities of the European Union and the deploying Member States.
The project will be able to test a mobile app reference implementation for patient access to their translated patient summary in some specific use cases, deploy the tools most appropriate for the national eHealth infrastructures and provide the first evaluation on the extended MyHealth@EU infrastructure in production.
Based on this first application, the PATHED project will provide complete evaluation of the infrastructure developed and provide recommendations to the European Commission on further patient access and mobile app solutions and development of a patient center ecosystem which enables extensive unhindered access to individual health data of own choice.
Consortium Members
19 Partners from 11 EU Countries.
CUT is the Lead Investigator (Co-investigator)
Call: EU-EU4H-2021-DGA-MS-IBA/ EU4H-2021-DGA-MS-IBA-02/ EU4H-PJG/ 101084817
Total budget: €491.932,00
PatHED – Enabling patient access to their health data.