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ISBI2024, which took place at a perfect timing, very close to the completion of our Project AtheroRisk (PI: Efthyvoulos Kyriacou),…
On the 16th of May 2024, multiple distinguished carotid atherosclerosis Experts (clinicians, carotid disease experts, researchers, engineers, computer scientists) came…
Researchers from the ehealthlab@CUT led the Work Package 7 of the eCAN European Project, where the objectives were to analyze…
Before the AtheroRisk Project reaches its completion, the ehealthlab@CUT in collabration with the Cyprus Atherosclerotic Society, organized a Workshop to…
Among the tasks in the TRANSiTION Project is the development of an advanced education programme, which will help healthcare professionals…
COMFORTAGE is a joint effort of medical experts, social scientists and humanists, technical experts and Digital Innovation Hubs to establish…
We are excited to anounce that two recent studies of our lab have been accepted, for Poster Sessions, to the ISBI…
Athens Digital Health Week 2024 (ADHW) is an event aiming to strengthen digital health transformation in Europe, by enhancing, among…
In 2022, the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) was jointly organized with the 17th IEEE-EMBS International…