Digital Health Experts

National eHealth Authority

Constantinos Pattichis

is currently the President of NeHA Cyprus. He is Professor at the Department of Computer Science, at University of Cyprus, Head of the ehealthlab@UCY. He is also the President of the Biomedical Engineerng Research Center (BERC) at the University of Cyprus, and Leader on Smart, Ubiquitous, and Participatory Technologies for Healthcare Innovation, in the CYENS Centre of Excellence (Cyprus). He has >30 years of experience in eHealth systems, medical imaging, biosignal analysis, and intelligent systems. He has been involved in numerous projects in these areas funded by EU and other bodies, with a total funding managed more than 11 million Euros.

Christos Schizas

has been a Professor of Computational Intelligence at the Department of Computer Science, at the University of Cyprus, from 23/12/1991 to 31/08/2020. He is a Coordinator of the Digital Health Research at BERC UCY. He has served as Counselor to the President of the Republic of Cyprus on eHealth and Healthcare Reform (2015-2023), and has been President of NeHA CY. He studied at QMC, University of London, UK, B.Sc. (Eng). Graduate studies at the University of Indianapolis, USA, MBA, and at QMC, University of London, UK, PhD in 1981. He received the William Lincoln Shelley award from the University of London for excellence in research, and a Fulbright fellowship for collaborative research in the USA. He served as Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of London, and Professor of Computer Information Systems at the University of Indianapolis. Also, he served as Vice Rector of the University of Cyprus, during 2002-2006.

National and International Healthcare Professionals

Vascular Screening and Diagnostic Center

Nicosia, Cyprus

Andrew Nicolaides MS, FRCS, PhD (Hon)

was Prof. of Vascular Surgery at Imperial College School of Medicine and Consultant Vascular Surgeon at St Mary’s Hospital (1983–2000). He is Hon. Prof. of Surgery at St. George’s University of London/University of Nicosia Medical School, CY. His research is directed towards genetic risk factors for cardiovascular disease, identification of individuals at risk and the development of effective methods of prevention of stroke and chronic venous disease. He is Past-President of: the International Union of Angiology, and the Section of Measurement in Medicine of the Royal Society of Medicine and currently Chairman of the EU Venous Forum Board.

Maura Griffin MSc, DIC, PhD

is affiliated with the Vascular Non-invasive Diagnostic Centre London and the Vascular Screening and Diagnostic Centre, in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Cyprus University of Technology

Department of Nursing

Andreas Charalambous, PhD

is currently a Professor in Oncology and Palliative Nursing Care at CUT, Adjunct Professor (Docent) at University of Turku (Finland) and a Visiting Professor at University of Maribor (Slovenia). Andreas Charalambous, BSc, MSc, PGCert (Research), PhD (Oncology Nursing), obtained his BSc in Nursing Science in 1999 by the Northumbria University (UK), his MSc (Nursing Science) in 2002 and his PhD (Oncology Nursing) in 2008 from Middlesex University (UK). He is currently the Chair of the Dept. of Nursing Science at CUT. He has a proven track in academia since 2004. He is the founder and Past-President of the Cyprus Oncology Nursing Society, European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) Former President and European Cancer Organization Immediate Past President. He is also the Founder of the Cancer Nursing Fund and the European Cancer Communities Foundation. He is involved in National and International research programs (HORIZON2020, ERASMUS+, COST, EU4HEALTH) in various fields of cancer care. Examples of externally funded projects include: PI in the ERASMUS+ project PROLEPSIS), PI in the ERASMUS+ project SAVE, PI (Cyprus team) in the ERASMUS+ project COMPASS, Co-PI (Cyprus team) in the EU4HEALTH Joint Action Project eCAN, PI (Cyprus team) in the HORIZON project INCISIVE and PI in the EU4HEALTH project TRANSiTION and EU4HEALTH project iNTERVENE. He has published over 200 National and International publications in esteem journals including Lancet Oncology (H-index at 43 and i10-index at 114).

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Eleni Theodorou, PhD

is Assis. Prof. of Speech Pathology in the Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences at CUT and a speech therapy program coordinator. She has founded and scientifically coordinates the EPI.LO.Go Lab. Her research focuses on diagnosing language disorders, language acquisition in typical and atypical populations, sample analysis, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, and voice disorders.  She has >15 years of clinical experience. Since 2019, she has been an active Child Language Committee member of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders. She served as Chair of the Cyprus Registration Council of Speech-Language Pathologists (2021 to 2023). Today, she chairs the Special Committee for the Recognition of Continuing Professional Education for Speech Therapists in Cyprus.

Marina Charalambous, PhD

is a Speech and Language Therapist, specializing in stroke and aphasia rehabilitation. She works as a Special Teaching Staff/Clinical Lecturer at the Dept. of Rehabilitation Sciences, Cyprus University of Technology, and is the Clinical Coordinator of the Adult University Clinic. She holds a PhD in Medical Sciences from the Medical School of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Marina has trained in Advanced Adult Dysphagia at University College London (UCL) and Fiberoptic Endoscopic Esophageal Swallowing (FEES) at Boston Medicine School, Boston University USA. Marina is the founder of the Cyprus Stroke Association, Secretary of the Stroke Alliance for Europe, and Board Member of the International Aphasia Association. She is an alumna of the ‘Future Stroke Leaders Program Cohort 1’ of the World Stroke Organization (WSO), a member of the Rehabilitation Implementation Taskforce, and the World Stroke Campaign Committee of the WSO. Marina participated in numerous universal WSO projects on young people with stroke, and acute stroke rehabilitation, and she is the co-author of the updated Dysphagia, Aphasia & Communication WSO Checklist. Marina has standardized and published numerous scientific studies on the assessment and rehabilitation of aphasia for Greek-speaking individuals, through Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) methodologies.


Medical Image Analysis

Medical Video Analysis

eHealth Applications

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