The AVARIS Ambulance Services Support System project originated from a collaboration between the ehealthlab@CUT and the Ambulance Department of the State Health Services Organization.

Its primary objective is to facilitate and enhance the seamless execution of procedures initiated upon the receipt of an emergency incident call from the Emergency Call Center until the patient is safely transported to a main hospital.

Emergency triage support and Information sharing between the main hospital, emergency call centre, and ambulance vehicles are supported by this system.

Since December 2018, the system has being used every day.

It served as the primary electronic system for the ambulance department during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the department faced a twofold increase in call volumes during certain months.

Over 300.000 occurrences were successfully recorded and supported by the system between December 2018 and October 2023.

Consortium Members

Cyprus University of Technology

Ambulance Department of the State Health Services Organization (SHSO Cyprus)

CUT is the Projet Coordinator

Self-Funded (until October 2023):

Total budget:  €150.000,00


Coming Soon

Below we provide explanatory images of the Computer Web Application Dashboard,which the Emergency Call Center uses to manage the calls.