Athens Digital Health Week 2024 (ADHW) is an event aiming to strengthen digital health transformation in Europe, by enhancing, among others, the European Health Data Space (EHDS) development, as well as by nourishing partnering and collaboration of digital health projects, such as eCAN. ADHW 2024 was co-organised by the Hellenic eGovernment Center for Social Security Services (IDIKA S.A.) and the National eHealth Authority of Cyprus (NeHA) and was hosted by HL7 Hellas, at the city of Athens. That has been a high-profile networking event of digital health innovators in Europe. Efthyvoulos Kyriacou and Christos Schizas, participated in ADHW 2024, presenting the eCAN Joint Action, in a plenary session, on innovation and development, promoting dynamic discussion, attracting representatives from governments, stakeholders and academia. Find or Share this Post on Linkedin:
The ehealthlab@CUT team presented in BHI-BSN2022
In 2022, the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) was jointly organized with the 17th IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN), and took place in Ioannina city, Greece, from September 27th to 30th. We participated in BHI’22, representing two of our projects, AtheroRisk and AVARIS, in Special Sessions.
Kick-off Meeting for the AtheroRisk Project
The Kick off meeting of the AtheroRisk Project was held on the 28th of April, 2022, online. AtheroRisk is a 2-year project, funded by the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), aiming to produce an integrated intelligent software system for the identification of carotid plaques in high risk of ipsilateral stroke, in asymptomatic individuals with moderate to severe carotid stenosis. Collaborators from all Institutions, in the AtheroRisk’s Consortium, participated in the meeting. The Principal Investigator, Efthyvoulos Kyriacou, Assis. Professor at Cyprus University of Technology and leader of the ehealthlab@CUT team, welcomed everyone and presented the project’s objectives, along with the details and timeline for the proposed Work Packages and Tasks. AtheroRisk Workflow Holistic Diagram. Consortium