AVARIS – Emergency and pre-Hospital care Support System

On the 2nd of December 2024, Cyprus University of Technology and the ΟΚΥπΥ – State Health Services Organisation, in order to strengthen their collaboration in the health sector and benefit society, they signed 3 Cooperation Protocols, in a ceremony at the CUT’s premises. The protocols were signed by the Rector of CUT, Panayiotis Zaphiris , and the General Financial Director of SHSO, Mr. Robertos Karachannas.

One of the Protocols formalizes the collaboration between eHealth Lab – Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and the Cyprus SHSO Ambulance Service, which focuses on the development and implementation of Digital Tools to advance Emergency and pre-Hospital Healthcare. In a presentation, the Head of the Ambulance Service Directorate of OKYpY, Ms. Riana Constantinou described the current state of the Emergency and pre-Hospital Healthcare in Cyprus, and she strongly communicated her belief that the Digital Transformation of the Ambulance Service will contribute the most to saving human lives, constituing also a blessing for the entire country.

The AVARIS Emergency and pre-Hospital care Support System was presented by our young and talented Research Associate at ehealthlab@CUT, Stelios Mappouras, the main developer of the AVARIS System, who was particularly praised by Mrs Constantinou for working 24/7 to develop a complete and seamless system. Outside the CUT premises, an ambulance was showcased, equipped with cutting-edge technologies for the provision of emergency care. Stelios is actively mantaining and advancing the AVARIS system 24/7 in close communication with ΟΚΥπΥ – State Health Services Organisation. 

In addition to this, the SmartPlaigo project, an ongoing funded initiative in collaboration with ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence and Stremble Ventures LTD, focusing on the automated management of ambulance traffic, was briefly presented.

The Head of the ehealthlab@CUT, Efthyvoulos Kyriacou, Assist. Prof. at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Informatics, stated that this collaboration with the Ambulance Service is an important way for CUT to contribute to meet the needs of society.

The ehealthlab@CUT group members are proud of their Leader, who always inspires them to create impactful solutions and help meet the society's needs.
Efthyvoulos Kyriacou
Assistant Professor at Cyprus University of Technology

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