
ISBI 2024 – Two Posters and the AtheroRisk Software Demo Session

ISBI2024, which took place at a perfect timing, very close to the completion of our Project AtheroRisk (PI: Efthyvoulos Kyriacou), was a perfect opportunity for us to present the 1st Version of the AtheroRisk_Software to various experts, in the field of Biomedical Image Analysis.

AtheroRisk contributors and researchers, from eHealthLab (Leaders: Efthyvoulos Kyriacou and Christos P Loizou) at Cyprus University of Technology, and from University of Cyprus and CYENS Centre of Excellence were present, showcasing the Carotid Ultrasound Image and Video Preprocessing and Analysis modules, available in the Software, which we combine to extract two stroke risk scores. Software data preprocessing and analysis pathways were supervised and validated by Experts in Carotid Atherosclerosis Assessment (Andrew Nicolaides MS, FRCS, PhD (Hon); Maura G.).

A valuable online questionnaire was filled in by a great number of attendees, to help us understand their impressions of the AtheroRisk Software.

The AtheroRisk Software was also presented as a Poster, by our Research Associate, Michalis Gemenaris, at the ISBI2024.

In the context of the project, Georgia Liapi presented a recent study of ours, on Carotid Plaque Motion Analysis in specific phases of the cardiac cycle to detect plaques in high risk of rupture. This Poster was selected among the first “18th Best Student Poster Award Finalists”, among >717 Posters, at ISBI2024.

We would like to express our gratitude to all contributors in the project!


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