On the 28-29th of November 2024, the eHealth Lab at Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) travelled to Brussels, to participate in the final Conference of the eCAN Joint Action, which attracted >60 attendees.
The final eCAN results were presented in detail, and discussed, reflecting the work done in all Work Packages, in sessions coordinated by Marc Van den Bulcke from Sciensano.
Researchers and healthcare professionals in eCAN had meaningful discussions, revealing the positive impact of telemedicine and teleconsultation in cancer care. Meanwhile, it was overall recognized that there is space for further improvement and recommendations to effectively integrate telemedicine in cancer care plans. Two years of hard work enabled the verification of 16 recommendations and a roadmap of actions.
Efthyvoulos Kyriacou presented the work done in WP7, where the ehealthlab@CUT Researchers developed the ‘eCAN mobile application’, intended for patients, and a Web ‘Dashboard’ for use by doctors, for Telemonitoring, in the presence of the president of the National e-Health Authority of Cyprus (NeHA CY), Christos Schizas. Key WP7 aspects presented involved key stakeholders, the system components and architecture, the data flow and ecosystem, and data compliance.
Importantly, during the 2nd day, the workplan for the eCAN Plus project was presented. The ehealthlab@CUT members would like to thank all partners for their effective collaboration, and are looking forward to the continuation of this great effort.