
eCAN – Work Package 7 Telemonitoring

Researchers from the ehealthlab@CUT led the Work Package 7 of the eCAN European Project, where the objectives were to analyze the landscape of cancer telemonitoring systems and patient needs in EU countries, to develop and implement alternatives to improve existing systems and methodologies, aiming to monitor side effects, related to cancer treatments, cancer pain and patient’s quality of life, and to signify the usefulness of telemonitoring for cancer patients and healthcare providers.

In a recent interview, Assis. Prof. Efthyvoulos Kyriacou, the coordinator of WP7 of the eCAN project, reflects on patients’ experiences, using a Mobile Application for Telemedicine, developed by an ehealthlab@CUT Researcher for the eCAN WP7 purposes, and highlights policymakers’ perspective for supporting the implementation of telemedicine. Watch the interview below:

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